x title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla hendrerit tincidunt mauris, vitae rutrum odio molestie eget. Etiam vel justo sed urna egestas euismod et eget nibh. Nulla et dictum turpis. Vestibulum massa enim, vehicula ut purus ac, lobortis iaculis velit.

x title
Donec posuere turpis at mollis porta. Nunc congue faucibus nibh, id hendrerit ipsum ultricies eget. Phasellus faucibus sollicitudin fermentum. Curabitur sit amet suscipit dui, at finibus arcu.

x title
Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed tristique euismod neque, quis maximus est semper ac. Fusce dolor ligula, fringilla ut malesuada ut, suscipit ut tellus. In sit amet lectus ut nibh aliquam lobortis.

x title
Praesent vestibulum, libero quis scelerisque egestas, lacus orci aliquam risus, ac dictum tellus dui vitae urna. Sed eu eros nec nunc ultrices dignissim. Fusce sit amet bibendum ex, sed dapibus enim.

x credits
layout: itinerae
banner image: from tumblr (you can delete or change it if you want)
pixels: pixel dreams
x welcome!

This site is still very new so there's a lot to be set up but in the mean time I'm glad to have you visit and hope you'll check this place out again in the future after things get more set up.

I have plans in the future for areas about myself, with vague-to-detailed information on my own identity aspects that count under the alterhuman umbrella. From kinity, linking and sympathy, plurality, soul bonding, to my recent dive into being a furry because of a dive into the kemono community, etc. A housing for writings; general random talk, prompt inspired, prompt ideas, etc. As well as an area for bookmarks for any links I think might be interesting that I'd personal not want to loose.

(As an aside I phrase things so oddly as the term alterhuman is so useful as an umbrella term for all these things; but it's not a term I use to describe myself so it's an effort to use the term but not in self reference). 

Now to get onto setting this all up eh?